Aliquam vel tortor quis leo commodo tempus. Interdum et malesuada fames aliquam sollicitudin ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Play with me and
upgrade your tennis

Quisque laoreet magna nisi, sit amet pretium metus lacinia nec. Duis eget lobortisnec sollicitudin ornare. 

  • 14 tennis courts Tellentesque id massa quis ante cursus pharetra ut vel augue. Aenean sit amet magna non libero.
  • Club Tournaments Duis auctor metus faucibus erat sagittis ullamcorper. Duis at erat tincidunt, fringilla nulla ac.
  • Personal wardrobe Quisque quis est aliquet, auctor quam ut, dignissim magna. Aliquam at urna porta, sollicitudin.
  • Training grounds Maecenas quis dictum nulla, ac dictum diam. Cras lobortis sem sit amet turpis sagittis rhoncus.

Personal trainings
for children from
7 years old

Curabitur eu nisi eu eros varius elementum ac non massa. Proin bibendum, orci ac vulputate tristique.



Mauris pulvinar laoreet mi, ut consequat mi imperdiet nec ut sed puru.

  • 1 individual training
  • Personal changing box
  • Free access to the gym
  • Parking place

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to get personal training

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Our prices

Membership Cost

  • 1 individual training
  • Personal changing box
  • Free access to the gym
  • Parking place
  • 1 individual training
  • Personal changing box
  • Free access to the gym
  • Parking place
  • 1 individual training
  • Personal changing box
  • Free access to the gym
  • Parking place
Full Comples
  • 1 individual training
  • Personal changing box
  • Free access to the gym
  • Parking place

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Stephen Miron

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Cras commodo mollis dolor sit amet tristique. Phasellus consectetur dolor ac sapien pharetra, vitae pulvinar turpis convallis.

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